Wednesday, February 13, 2008
what is CHICKEN pox? ; 1:22 AM
what is CHICKEN pox?Chicken pox is a highly contagious viral infection caused by the varicella virus. The word chickenpox comes from the Old English word "gican" meaning "to itch" or from the Old French word "chiche-pois" for chickpea, a description of the size of the lesion.
Who Gets Chicken Pox?Chickenpox is a disease of childhood - 90% of cases occur in children aged 14 years and younger. Before widespread vaccination, the incidence of chicken pox in the United States approached the annual birth rate, averaging between 3.1 and 3.8 million cases per year. Chicken pox can occur at any time, but occurs most often in March, April, and May in temperate climates.
Appearance of Chicken PoxThe chicken pox rash begins on the trunk and spreads to the face and extremities. The chicken pox lesion starts as a 2-4 mm red papule which develops an irregular outline (rose petal). A thin-walled, clear vesicle (dew drop) develops on top of the area of redness. This "dew drop on a rose petal" lesion is very characteristic for chicken pox. After about 8-12 hours the fluid in the vesicle gets cloudy and the vesicle breaks leaving a crust. The fluid is highly contagious, but once the lesion crusts over, it is not considered contagious. The crust usually falls off after 7 days sometimes leaving a craterlike scar. Although one lesion goes through this complete cycle in about 7 days, another hallmark of chicken pox is the fact that new lesions crop up every day for several days. Therefore, it may take about a week until new lesions stop appearing and existing lesions crust over. Children are not sent back to school until all lesions have crusted over.
Acquiring Chicken PoxChicken pox is acquired by direct contact with infected blister fluid or by inhalation of respiratory droplets. When a person with chicken pox coughs or sneezes, they expel tiny droplets that carry the varicella virus. A person who has never been exposed to chicken pox inhales these droplets and the virus enters the lungs, and then is carried through the bloodstream to the skin where it causes a rash. While the virus is in the bloodstream (before the rash begins) it causes typical viral symptoms like fever, fatigue, joint pains, headache, and swollen glands. These symptoms usually resolve by the time the rash develops. The
incubation period of chicken pox averages 14 days with a range of 9 to 21 days.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
; 1:38 AM

[x] really, he looks like * * * * ***
I never excpected that i would become a fan of migs chavez.( CHICOSCI ),maybe its because that he looks like my EX-CRUSH. Guess who?! haha.. I don have any infOs about him. just pictures.musix and videoS.haha.. gowsh!*hoping that a concert will held here in roxas (ASA*)* maybe? ayt ? i can nver really tell , maybe it might happen.. hehe. I just only know that he is a vocalist in a band, who sings and screams so emotionally with his song. I guess, to some other people.. they may not appreciate his songs.but if you look deeper into the lyrics you will know.^_^. i dunno., i just feel his music so deeply.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
a letter ; 8:58 PM
I just had to write to tell you how much I love you and care for you. Yesterday, I saw you walking and laughing with your friends; I hoped that soon you’d want me to walk along with you, too. So, I painted you a sunset to close your day and whispered a cool breeze to refresh you. I waited - you never called - I just keep on loving you.
As I watched you fall asleep last night, I wanted so much to touch you. I spilled the moonlight onto your face - trickling down your cheeks as so many tears have. You didn’t even think of me. I wanted so much to comfort you.
The next day I exploded a brilliant sunrise into glorious morning for you. But you woke up late and rushed off – You didn’t even notice. My sky became cloudy and my tears were the rain.
I love you, Oh, if you’d only listen. I really love you. I try to say it in the quiet of the green meadows and in the blue sky. The wind whispers my love throughout the treetops and spills it into the vibrant colors of all the flowers. I shout it to you in the thunder of the great waterfalls and compose love songs for birds to sing for you. I warm you with the clothing of my sunshine and perfume the air with nature’s sweet scent. My love for you is deeper than any ocean and greater than any need in your heart. If you’d only realize how I care.
My father sends his love. I want you to meet him – He cares, too. Fathers are just that way. So please, call on me soon. No matter how long it takes, I’ll wait – because I Love you.
Your friend,
I have to write you back to say that I am sorry that I forgot to call you and remind that I am still here to love you too. Yesterday, I was walking and laughing with my friends; I wished you were there to walk along with me. The painting you made was extraordinary, it was beautiful. - I am sorry for I keep you waiting, I’m sorry for not calling you back. You know how much I love you too.
My physical state has got me to my limits, so I decided to sleep. I’m only human I am not you, but forgive me if I have forgotten you.
The next day I was to weary to get up on my bed, I woke up late and rushed off. Here, was a busy place, too many accomplishments to finish, to many obligations to do. – I didn’t even notice the sunrise. Things have gone too quickly that I may not have time to call you back.
Your love is never ending; you continued loving me, yet I was too busy on my career.. I remembered you were there on that day when I first opened my eyes. You were also there on my first birthday. You were there to let me stand up when I’ve fallen on my bike. *laughs* - I really wanted to say sorry as I got this letter. – I was not a good friend to you; I didn’t even bother the wind that whispers your love and the vibrant colors of all the flowers. You shout to me the thunder of the great waterfalls, you composed me love songs by the singing birds. You warm me with your sunshine. – You know that I loved you too. So I will carry this cross in my pocket reminding no one but me that you are the savior of my life. I may never forget to thank you and call you back for I want to be with you always.
Your friend,
Friday, February 8, 2008
Crushin. ; 3:27 AM

^_^ guess who ?

This is
Chad Ladaofrom Sienna College[yata]?[see how he's so cute in his uniform]
it's another day ; 2:45 AM
na2lgako alas dos na ng umaga dahil marami pa ang ginagawa. inuna ko ang assignment sa chemistry na hindi naman pla ipapasa ngayong ara at tinapos ko na rin ang tarpaulin ni Steffany na pwede rin pala ipasa sa hapon. hay naku wala akong magagawa kung yun ang gusto nila.! aah! mababaliw na talaga ako. malapit na ang graduation at hindi ko pa naiisip ko ang ang maaring ibihau ko sa mga kaklase ko. isang piguring baboy kaya o picture ko na lang? hay! nakaklito na talaga. O_o di ko man lamang masabi-sabi sa aking Mother kung papano ko nawala ang cellphone ko. gosh, i really need to talk to my mom about that issue. ok lang na di na bumalik ang USB ko, cellphone na man lamang! di pa ako sigurado sa ang aking mga pinaghihinalaang tao na kumuha nun. Ni wala nga akong ka idedeya man lamang kung papano iyon nawala sa aking bag dalawang araw bago ang local YES-O camp! [napakatanga nyang tao. makonsensya siya sana.
nung hapon pumunta ako sa bahay ni p**** dahil sabi niya na kakausapin nya raw ako. sa una, wala talaga akong ideya kung ano ang sasabihin niya. Basta yun na yun!^_^ [masasabi kong hindi ako loveless ngayon*lol*]
The DOOM leacturing... Alas tres na nang hapon na pumasok siya sa classroom. siya ay guro at kami ay estudyante.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
[x] guess what? ; 5:03 PM
[x]scene: Computer Laboratoryhaha! here I am again enjoying this blogging thing. [damn! hahaha. ]I have 2 vacant classes from A.P to Reseach. [hehe] I forgot to bring bring my layout. I want to Upload it here. T_Tnext week ill be uploading my Layouts and images, summary of El Filibusterismo, and my profile pictures. [damn you friendster! :(][x] my phone is still lostmy usb..and my Fs account which I cannot open [hackers?]amf.. T_T[x]im planning to take medtech in san agustin if I cannot pass in WVSU.I dont want to end up here in roxas city.awww, Is sti dont know what will I wear for the ball. :(
[x] yey! Krissy's here. heheh!
doom's day. [x] ; 4:00 AM
my day started the mprning sunrise, [the beam of th sun strikes onto my face]*LOL aga na!! as I wake up early [not too early] and cuddle with my pillow, Im so tired to get up, tired to do something, but it is still Wednesday [ oh how I hate when it school days..]. and As I got up and do my morning rituals [lol] I noticed the time ! I am late AGAIN for class. [oh!I didn’t attend the first period of class, Im with
Connie and Rita][ today is Ash Wednesday. I remembered it after I finished Eating my chicken *hahaha*]
I never notice time that much you know. In fact, I never planned anything on my schedules that much[ in my daily activities.] Ahh..
Physics, the class that is handled by
MRS. SHEBA ADONAY, the woman with such words, always told many stories and quotation.
BLAH BLAH! I pictured out on my mind when she was in her younger years, her life was full of interesting things and stuffs, always been the good girl, the strong one [THE PALABAN TYPE OF LADY]. Sometimes I really admire her strong positive outlook in life, but sometimes I don’t its because she is too idealistic on her ideas only what she knows and sees for what she said is correct and others are not.And she always tends to correct other people, and sometimes she is not careful on what she says. *enuf with that, I don’t want to talk to her toooooooooo much* hahaha
Afternoon, we don’t have classes for two periods [English and ICT], hahah! I really don’t know, I never bother to ask anyway. *hahah* and here I am sitting looking at the window .. looking far beyond on the wall [it was not IVAN CAM who im thinking of] . 3 pm, still waiting for
MR. RYDUM LEGARDA, or so called
THE DOOM [3 oclock was the doom time *hahahha*] his class is not so boring but sometimes I get irritated on him!! *arrrgh*
NOSE BLEED ako sometimes sa math. Stupid kase eh nagtatanong ang tao sasagutin ban man ng "ah, basta yun na yun!" eh di ang galling noh?haha.. how do I define Calculus?
Mr.ryDOOM is the answer [ahahaha] well, we will start a 3 pm – 5 pm class on Mathematics [all 3 books coverage] for the International review?] *
*ill take a picture of him so everybody could see his Fat ass! *lol*
[waaa, im jst kidding] hehehe*
And his class end @ 5pm.[gosh! I don’t know how long could I take listening his boring talks `cause wala talaga akong makukuha sa kanya] its not that I hate math, I am deliberated to know [really]. Its just the way he teaches us irritates and bores me to death. I end up everyday self teaching my self to know this and that. My other extra class activities for today: [x] watched the 1st half of the movie Sweeney todd. [tama ba? Haha..] [x] I finished editing my blog template. Hehe!
The people I missed/remembered
[x] kristellie “krissy:”
[x] M.G “boo”
[x] P.J.O “gagoo dolls”
[x] si bhu-bhu
The seniors ball will be on March 19? [x] waa..
[x] end [x]
Monday, February 4, 2008
Febuary 4 , 2008 ; 3:02 AM
[1st blog of the day]
I didnt Attend the flag ceremony this morning because I woke up late, I wasnt able to eat my breakfast (*sob). hmmf, I was freakin shock to knew that it was our turn to clean the classroom! [*whew*] hahaha. oh, I forgot to tell that Mr.Rydum's Class is so borring [i Didnt much understand what he is lecturing] .. :`( [is it his fault or Im jst not interested listening in math]
what a day! I wasnt able to eat much as I want. though everyday had been tough! Sometimes I was able to peep a snack^_^
CHOCOLATES <- my favorite. despite that I am saying that I hate chocolates in front of my mom.
Lots of things to do for tomorrow
1st, I have to pass my assignment in Biology and ICT
2nd, I have to review again on my report.
and lastly, I have to wake up early! (Gosh)
I decided to stay and watch movie @ the cafe.
Juno, that was the title of the movie I watched, although it was quite long to wait to buffering the movie but I also managed to watch
1/4 of it.hahaaha^^ ( this site offers free movies online [*weee, I can watch as movies I want]
for tomorrow.
I hope I can can up to all the needed things I have to do.
this blogging thing is just so fun. [damn! I lost my Usb 2 weeks ago]
im nose bleeding .. tama na.^^